On-Demand Workshops

Ethics of Helping

Boundaries and Relationships

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Continuing Education
Credit Hours (CEC)

It is very common for anyone working in the helping profession to encounter ethical dilemmas. Ethics are at the heart of competent and effective practice for anyone in the helping field, particularly when managing boundaries and relationships. This workshop is designed to give individuals and organizations an opportunity to review common principles and standards for ethical practice that are relevant for their settings. Participants will practice using an ethical decision-making process to work through common areas of ethical concerns and leave with a stronger awareness of their own ethical base.

Trainer: Vicki Enns, MMFT, RMFT

Each on-demand purchase is for one viewer. Please purchase one copy per viewer.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this workshop, participants should be able to:

  • Define the concept of ethics and how it applies within the helping profession
  • Describe the common values and principles that guide codes of ethics in helping professions
  • Identify steps in a process for ethical decision-making
  • Describe ethical considerations for boundaries and cultural competence in the workplace

Note: An e-manual for this workshop is included in purchase.

Some of the Topics Reviewed

  • Boundaries and Ethics
  • What’s Involved with Building Ethical Competence
  • Common Principles in Helping Professions
  • An Ethical Decision-Making Process
  • Common Standards of Practice
  • Confidentiality and Limits to Confidentiality
  • Helper and Client Boundaries
  • Cultural and Diversity Competence
  • Ethical Technology

Target Audience

This is an introductory-intermediate level workshop intended for social service and health care professionals, counsellors, social workers, and school personnel.

Completing Workshop

Upon viewing the entire workshop, you will be prompted to take a 30 to 60-question test over the content, and then you will receive a participation certificate. Please allow 30-60 minutes to complete the test.

Trainer: Vicki Enns


Vicki (she/her) has worked for many years as a trainer and mentor for other counsellors and helping professionals and is the former Clinical Director of CTRI. In addition to her work with CTRI, Vicki has a private practice where she specializes in the area of trauma recovery for individuals, couples, and families. Vicki holds a Master of Marriage and Family Therapy degree and is an Approved Supervisor with the AAMFT and CAMFT. Vicki believes that it is essential for helpers to continue learning and developing their self-awareness alongside evolving clinical skills. She has contributed to many of our books as both author and editor, including Gratitude & Grit, Self-Care Transformed, Counselling Insights, Counselling in Relationships, and A Little Book About Trauma-Informed Workplaces, and she is the host of CTRI’s Counselling Insights Podcast. She is also the author or editor of many of CTRI’s training materials, including those on the topics of anxiety, trauma, mindfulness, and ethics. Vicki is particularly gifted at creating a learning atmosphere that is collaborative and respectful, and which embraces diversity in personal identity, skills, and cultural perspectives. Read blogs written by Vicki here. Contact Vicki at: [email protected]

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