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Purchase the Counselling Insights Book

As helpers, caregivers, and counsellors, there are times when we need support to be able to help the people we are working with.

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Children & Youth

Children & Youth

5 Pillars to Support Someone with FASD

From a young age it is important for people with FASD to learn about their unique brain differences and their specific strengths and needs.



6 Ways to Improve Dementia Care

Those of us providing help and counselling will encounter more people impacted by dementia, so we need to be prepared to support them.



2SLGBTQ+ Pride – Moving Beyond June

The month of June is a reminder and platform to celebrate diversity, growth, and loving connection. Find your own way to celebrate and join in this important journey with families around the world.

Mental Health

Mental Health

5 Ways to Practice Winter Wellness

Sustaining wellness during the winter requires some attention and different strategies, but it doesn’t have to be a time of unhappiness and stress.

Personal Growth

Personal Growth

How to Make a Lasting Change

Do you have anything you would like to change? Is there something you do too much of? Or, is there...

Counselling, Personal Growth

Two-Eyed Seeing – Our Reconciliation Journey

Two-eyed seeing is a way of learning to look at the world that embraces the strengths of Indigenous ways of knowing and the strengths of Western methods of understanding.

Personal Growth

How to Stay Optimistic During Tough Times

An optimistic thinker tends to view positive events as evidence that more positive things will follow and that the events occurred because of something they did.



Getting the Helping Relationship Right

Awareness and healthy relationships take practice. Use the strategies in this blog to help you improve your helping relationships with your clients.


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