
Do you have a large group of people to train?

We can certify your trainers through a three-day private session for your organization. Or your trainer may attend a public offering of Train-the-Trainer for De-escalating Potentially Violent Situations or Trauma-Informed Care.

What clients have to say

We have been teaching the De-escalating Potentially Violent Situations™ workshop to staff and faculty. They appreciate the workshop and the opportunities for self-assessment because the knowledge extends beyond the university context to everyday life. Participants are also able to use the practical tools in a constructive manner to help manage potentially violent situations. While our university is a very safe environment, this workshop gives our staff a better understanding of violence and more tools to make the campus even safer.
Chantal Bertrand
Operations Administrator, Campus Public Safety, McGill University
The De-escalating Potentially Violent Situations Training has become an indispensable training program for our school board. Our team of behavioral consultants have followed the Train-the-Trainer program and are now offering the certification to all principals, teachers, teacher’s aid and other school board staff professionals. The feedback we have received is that the school staff now feels more equipped and competent in managing situations where student’s stress levels and anger begins to escalate without having to retort to physical techniques.
Josée Labonté, M.A.
Psychologie appliquée, MonAvenir, Conseil Scolaire Catholique
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