Certified Trainer

Q: Do I need to tell you when I book a training?
A: No, you don’t need to check in with us every time you book a training. We do, however, require you to purchase a manual for each participant you train (see the Order Manuals page). This participant fee covers our intellectual property and is what keeps our program running! You can choose to order manuals before each workshop or in bulk for several workshops at a time. Please do keep track of your training dates and participant numbers though, as you will be asked to enter this information on your recertification form.

Q: How do I order manuals?
A: You can order manuals on the Order Manuals page. Please order your manuals here instead of on the main CTRI or ACHIEVE sites so we can track your order properly.

At CTRI & ACHIEVE, we believe that in-person training is incredibly valuable, which is why we encourage trainers to purchase paper manuals for their participants as they are easier to follow along with, make notes on, and save for future reference. We are currently offering PDF manuals for online workshops only. Please note, we require two weeks’ notice to ship paper manuals. If you book a training on shorter notice, please contact us to make arrangements.

Q: Can I get certificates for my participants?
A: Yes! When you order paper manuals, you will also be provided with paper certificates to fill out and give to your participants. If you order PDF manuals (online training only), you can find an editable certificate file in the Workshop Materials section.

Q: Can I train groups outside my organization?
A: While your agreement indicates that you may not train outside of your organization, we are comfortable with you inviting staff from partner organizations to your workshops or offering trainings at partner organizations on the condition that these workshops are being offered for free, and the trainer is being compensated solely through their regular salary. Our main interest here is that our workshops are not being used to generate revenue for your organization. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Q: How do I recertify?
A: Your certification lasts for one year from the final date of your initial training or from your last recertification date. We will contact you a few weeks before your certification expires to check in; you may recertify if you have conducted at least one training in the last year and purchased manuals for each participant in attendance. The recertification form can be found in the Dropbox under Workshop Materials. This should be emailed or faxed to us along with a $150 (plus GST = $157.50) recertification fee. We accept payment by credit card, cheque, e-transfer, and direct deposit.

If you were unable to lead a training within the last year due to special circumstances, please contact us to discuss.

Q: I’ve moved to a new organization – can I offer training there?
A: Yes! To transfer your certification to a new organization, we will need:

  • A new agreement that is signed by you and your new/additional employer
  • A $150 (plus GST = $157.50) new organization certification fee

Please note that all your trainings must not be for profit, and you must be compensated solely through your regular salary. Contact us for a new agreement or with any questions.

Q: It’s been a while since I’ve trained – can I get a refresher on the materials?
A: In the Dropbox in the Workshop Materials section, you can find a video of the full-day workshop (applicable to most training topics). Please contact us to discuss sitting in on a public workshop as a refresher.

Contact Us


Have Questions?

Photo of Sam

Sam Hupé-Wells
[email protected]
204-452-9199 ext. 120
Address: 1-710 Westminster Ave., Winnipeg, MB R3G 1E6
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