On-Demand Workshops

Questions in Counselling

The Art and Skill

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Continuing Education
Credit Hours (CEC)

Want to learn how to ask better questions in the counselling room? This workshop explores the curiosity, skill, and artistry it takes to discern the what, where, when, and why of effective questions, and what can prevent you from asking them. You will learn how to develop quality, effective questions that move beyond what you already know to what’s possible.

Trainer: John Koop Harder, MSW, RSW

Each on-demand purchase is for one viewer. Please purchase one copy per viewer.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this workshop, participants should be able to:

  • Describe the influence of good questions
  • Define problematic questions
  • Identify skills to ask more effective question
  • Categorize types of questions

Note: An e-manual for this workshop is included in purchase.

Some of the Topics Reviewed

  • Why Questions?
  • What Gets in the Way of Asking Good Questions?
  • The Art of Effective Questions
  • Recognizing Power, Privilege, and Vulnerability in Your Questions
  • Choosing the Right Words
  • Problematic Questions
  • Categories of Questions

Target Audience

This is an introductory- intermediate level workshop geared towards counsellors, therapists, social workers, and helpers who are curious in nature and want to improve their ability to ask effective questions.

Completing Workshop

Upon viewing the entire workshop, you will be prompted to take a 30 to 60-question test over the content, and then you will receive a participation certificate. Please allow 30-60 minutes to complete the test.

Trainer: John Koop Harder


John has been working as a therapist and trainer for over 20 years. He is a Registered Social Worker who holds a Master of Social Work degree. John is a contributing author of our Counselling Insights and Counselling in Relationships books. Much of John’s career has centred on working with children, youth, adults, and families dealing with crisis and trauma. While he has a diverse practice, he has particular interest and specialized experience in working with individuals and families impacted by mental health concerns, violence, post-war trauma recovery, gender/sexuality issues, and sexual abuse recovery. John’s work is also informed by his international experiences working with individuals and communities impacted by civil war and ethnic conflicts in Colombia, Albania, and Northern Ireland. John believes people are their own best experts and already have many of the skills, abilities, and competencies that will assist them to address the challenges influencing their lives. John is a warm and engaging facilitator who values interactive learning experiences. Read blogs written by John here.

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