CTRI Webinars

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy

Balancing Acceptance and Change

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(Starting at $11.99 a month/viewer)


Continuing Education
Credit Hours (CEC)

People who struggle to regulate their intense emotional experiences often feel like they are at the mercy of reactive coping patterns. It can seem like these emotional storms hijack their behaviour, take control of their thinking, and hurt their relationships with other people and themselves. Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) provides concepts and skills to help people have more choices, become more emotionally calm, and be more present in their lives. This webinar explores key concepts and useful skills such as tolerating distress, managing emotions, and enhancing interpersonal communication.

Trainer: Kimberly Enns MSW, RSW

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Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this webinar, participants should be able to:

  • Identify what dialectical behaviour therapy is and describe the dialectical approach
  • Understand biosocial theory and behaviour chain analysis
  • Explain and implement skills from the four modules of DBT

Target Audience

This is an introductory-intermediate level webinar intended for anyone interested in learning more about this topic.

Method of Delivery

On-Demand webinars are recorded and contain 60 minutes of instruction from the facilitator using visual powerpoint slides.

Completing Webinar

Upon viewing the entire webinar, you will be prompted to take a 10-question quiz over the content, and then you will receive a participation certificate. Please allow 10-15 minutes to complete the quiz.

Continuing Education

While associations and licensing bodies accept CTRI workshops for continuing education credits, questions about approval should be directed to the specific association or licensing body for which you are requesting the credits

Trainer: Kimberly Enns


Kimberly is a Registered Social Worker, holding a Master of Social Work degree and a Bachelor's degree in Psychology. Her professional experience includes clinical case management, counselling and group facilitation in the child welfare system for high-needs children and youth, as well as in community-based programs for those who struggle with eating disorders and for individuals with intellectual disabilities in conflict with the law. In addition to her work with CTRI, Kimberly maintains a private counselling practice for individuals, couples, and families, specializing in the areas of trauma recovery, anxiety, depression, self-injury behaviour, and disordered eating and body image. Her therapeutic approach is one of warmth and collaboration, recognizing that people are resilient, have inherent wisdom about their lives, and are hardwired for connection with others. Constantly pursuing her own growth as a therapist, Kimberly believes that helpers are energized by fresh ideas and approaches. She draws on her experience in the field and passion for these issues to provide energetic, enlightening, and interactive presentations. Read blogs written by Kimberly here.

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