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Nataschaa Chatterton Image

Nataschaa Chatterton


Location: Yukon Territory

Nataschaa has a Masters in Conflict Analysis and Management and is a Somatic Experiencing Trauma Practitioner and Assistant. Her work has taken her into both the fields of Conflict Resolution and Trauma Therapy. Nataschaa has worked as a mediator, coach, facilitator, and counselor. She has lived in rural Yukon for ten years working with First Nations governments and communities. Nataschaa’s work is founded on the beliefs of the value of all perspectives, the innate desire we each have to be accepted and that our history does not need to dictate our future. Her approach includes encouraging space for the wisdom and strengths of the group and the individual to surface and co-creation to occur. She is passionate about teaching, listening, and sharing.

Read blogs written by Nataschaa here.

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