Training Topic

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Strategies for Supporting

The social impacts of ADHD can vary from disruptions at school and work, to negatively affected relationships and an increase in risk-taking behaviour. This workshop provides practical strategies and interventions for caregivers, teachers, and service providers to support a range of individuals (children, adolescents, adults). An overview and understanding of behaviours associated with ADHD will be explored, with a focus on current research. Participants will have an opportunity to discuss and practice interventions to better support individuals with ADHD in different settings. Strategies for skill development in individuals with ADHD are also provided, so they can more effectively manage their own behaviours and relationships.


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Learning Objectives

Upon completion, participants should be able to:

  • Provide an understanding of ADHD behaviours and their impact at school, home, work, and on relationships
  • Provide practical strategies for caregivers and service providers to use in different settings to more effectively manage behaviours
  • Build skills in individuals who experience ADHD behaviours
  • Provide opportunities to discuss case scenarios to operationalize the workshop material

Some of the Topics Included

  • Overview of ADHD Behaviours
  • Current Research on Executive Functioning and ADHD
  • Impact of ADHD Behaviours on Relationships
  • Decisions Around Medication
  • Interventions for Different Settings
  • Strategies for Self-Control and Managing Impulses
  • Skill Development for Focus, Attention, and Listening
  • Maintaining Friendships and Communicating
  • Organizational Skills
  • Applying Insights to Case studies

Target Audience

This is an introductory-intermediate level workshop intended for school personnel, social service and health care professionals, counsellors, social workers, parents, and anyone seeking a better understanding of ADHD.

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