CTRI Webinars

Resilience in Children – Understanding

Understanding Attachment

This is a 1 minute preview of the webinar.


(Starting at $11.99 a month/viewer)


Continuing Education
Credit Hours (CEC)

No matter what a child may be struggling with, when attempts at talking through a problem do not work, using alternative approaches for connecting will often prove more helpful. This webinar explores creative ways of engaging and communicating with children (ages 3-12) and their natural support systems. Viewers will learn about a variety of expressive arts (play, art, drama) and integrative body-based techniques (mindfulness, sensory, and whole-brain activities) that promote and build resilience in children.

Trainer: Tricia Klassen MSW, RSW

Each on-demand purchase is for one viewer. Please purchase one copy per viewer.

Bundle your webinars! Purchase any 3 webinars for the price of 2. Coupon automatically applied at checkout.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this webinar, participants should be able to:

  • List elements of an effective helping relationship for working with children and families
  • Describe the value of creative strategies for promoting child development and relationship
  • Identify steps to help children and families undergoing natural transitions and crises
  • Name strategies for engaging resistance

Target Audience

This is an introductory-intermediate level webinar intended for anyone interested in learning more about this topic.

Method of Delivery

On-Demand webinars are recorded and contain 60 minutes of instruction from the facilitator using visual powerpoint slides.

Completing Webinar

Upon viewing the entire webinar, you will be prompted to take a 10-question quiz over the content, and then you will receive a participation certificate. Please allow 10-15 minutes to complete the quiz.

Continuing Education

While associations and licensing bodies accept CTRI workshops for continuing education credits, questions about approval should be directed to the specific association or licensing body for which you are requesting the credits

Trainer: Tricia Klassen


Tricia is a past trainer and no longer leads workshops for CTRI. Read blogs written by Tricia here.

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