CTRI Webinars

Adverse Childhood Experiences

Healing Childhood Trauma

This is a 1 minute preview of the webinar.


(Starting at $11.99 a month/viewer)


Continuing Education
Credit Hours (CEC)

Helping children work through adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) is difficult but important work because they can have lifelong effects on mental, physical, and relationship health. This webinar will review the possible effects of ACEs on a child’s brain and introduce practical strategies for supporting children and their caregivers. Key points will be reviewed to help identify ACEs both individually and in the community, recognize their signs and symptoms, and learn preventative strategies for counteracting their negative effects.


Each on-demand purchase is for one viewer. Please purchase one copy per viewer.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this webinar, participants should be able to:

  • Define individual and community adverse childhood experiences
  • Describe the impact of trauma on a child’s brain, community and the family
  • List preventative strategies to counteract the negative effects of ACEs

Target Audience

This is an introductory-intermediate level webinar intended for anyone interested in learning more about this topic.

Method of Delivery

Each webinar is 60 minutes in length. Live webinars will each contain 60 minutes of instruction from the facilitator using visual powerpoint slides and then there will be 5-10 minutes at the end of the webinar when participants can ask questions directly to the instructor and hear feedback from them in realtime. On-demand webinars include no interactivity with the instructor.

Completing Webinar

Upon viewing the entire webinar, you will be prompted to take a 10-question quiz over the content, and then you will receive a participation certificate. Please allow 10-15 minutes to complete the quiz.

Continuing Education

While associations and licensing bodies accept CTRI workshops for continuing education credits, questions about approval should be directed to the specific association or licensing body for which you are requesting the credits

Trainer: Jennifer Slay


Jennifer is a Registered Social Worker who has nearly two decades of experience working in the child welfare system as a social worker, trainer, and manager. She now operates her own psychotherapy practice where she primarily works with women experiencing feelings of depression and anxiety. Jennifer has a passion for supporting people to overcome their fears and reach their full potential. Using a combination of CBT, positive psychology, and mindfulness, she provides her clients with the tools and strategies they need to empower themselves and become more confident. Jennifer believes in the power and importance of communication and feels it is a vital tool in effective relationships with yourself and others. As a facilitator, Jennifer is energetic and engaging, often using humour to support learning.

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