About Us


Randy Grieser Image

Randy Grieser


Randy (he/him) is the founder, former CEO, and current Advisor of CTRI. He holds a Master of Social Work degree and a Bachelor’s degree in Conflict Resolution. Randy is also a former Board Director for the Canadian Association of Threat Assessment Professionals (CATAP), and has advanced training in violence threat assessment and management from the Gavin de Becker Training Academy.

Before founding CTRI, Randy worked directly with issues of violence prevention as a clinician in community and hospital settings. He has since broadened his training and consulting focus to include violence prevention in corporate and government settings. He is the author of CTRI’s Violence Threat Assessment – Planning and Response training materials and The Ordinary Leader, and co-author of The Culture QuestionA Little Book About Trauma-Informed Workplaces, and Don’t Blame the Lettuce.

Randy believes it is vital for organizations to increase their violence-prevention capabilities. He is skilled at helping organizations develop communication and decision-making processes that make it easier to gather information and assess potentially violent situations. He is an intuitive consultant who is gifted at engaging entire groups in conversations around violence prevention.



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