About Us


Louise McKay Image

Louise McKay

Traditional Elder

Louise is a traditional Elder and a descendant of the historic Metis of the Red River Settlement in Manitoba. As an Elder, she is instrumental in guiding CTRI towards embracing the Truth & Reconciliation Commission’s 94 Calls to Action. In addition, Louise offers training for CTRI and provides cultural support to our trainers. She has bachelor’s degrees in both Psychology and Justice and Law, and has completed graduate level training in Social Work. Throughout her career, Louise has worked in child welfare, justice, education, health, women’s issues, addictions, spiritual care, and with children and communities in crisis. Highlights include: co-founding a 24-hour youth crisis line called Teen Touch in 1978; working with political parties to ensure the voices of Indigenous people in Canada are heard and reflected in policies and government positions; working with the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, DC, to develop a Metis exhibit for the National Museum of the American Indian in 1999. From 2000-2014, Louise also worked with the Southern First Nations in the devolution process of child welfare. She is kind, engaging, and humorous, and believes that when we combine our gifts, we more easily find our balance and thus have a more rewarding and full life.

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