Private Training

Peer Support

1 day

About this Workshop

When challenges in life occur, people naturally reach out for support from those closest to them – coworkers, friends, and family. Their initial response can go a long way in terms of normalizing the challenge, planning the next steps, and exploring additional resources. Progressive workplaces and communities recognize the importance of being prepared for challenges, and are proactive in better equipping natural helpers with the skills they need to be a supportive resource to others. This workshop explores the support process, key qualities of the peer helper, and issues that may arise when assisting others. This is an interactive and experiential training where participants will work through activities designed to enhance their communication, develop helping skills, and learn practical strategies for supporting others.

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Target Audience

This introductory level workshop is appropriate for people in a wide variety of settings.

Method of Delivery

Presentation, video, case study exercises, personal reflection, and small group discussions.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this workshop, participants should be able to:

  • Define peer support
  • Summarize benefits and challenges to a peer support role
  • List counselling skills that are part of a peer support process
  • Describe steps for a peer to guide a conversation

Note: A printed manual for this workshop is included, and received at the event.

Topics Included

  • Qualities of the Peer Helper
  • Common Missteps in Helping
  • Essential Communication Skills
  • Exploring Strengths and Resources
  • Supporting Mental Health
  • Dealing with Risks
  • Looking After Ourselves – Dealing with the “Downsides” of Helping

Private Training

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