Live Virtual Workshops

Mental Health Concerns in Children and Youth

July 22, 2025
(09:00 AM - 04:00 PM CDT )
$329.00 (regular rate)
$299.00 (*early rate)
Location: Online Virtual
*early rate expires 07/02/2025
Continuing Education
Credit Hours (CEC)


Mental Health Concerns in Children and Youth - Live Virtual - July 22, 2025; 9am-4pm Central Time

Early rate expires 07/01/2025

Quantity: 1 $ 299.00
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The ability to thrive and manage life’s difficulties is greatly influenced by our mental wellbeing from an early age. Children and youth need supports in their lives to help navigate the challenges that come along with mental health, and to connect them with the necessary support and services. This workshop provides a general overview of the common mental illnesses for children and youth, including the signs and symptoms, themes for treatment, and the controversies that surround some of the diagnoses. Participants will learn tips for informal support of children, youth, and their families struggling with mental health concerns.

Please note: This workshop is not a skill-building workshop and does not provide training for clinical therapy – the aim of the workshop is to provide understanding and awareness of mental health concerns in children and youth.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion, participants should be able to:

  • List the signs and symptoms of common mental health issues in the younger population
  • Identify the contextual factors and key controversies in diagnoses
  • Describe the interaction between mental health vulnerability and other risk factors
  • Summarize the common themes for treatment and tips for supporting families

Method of Delivery

Presentation, video, case study exercises, personal reflection, delivered electronically.

*Please allow only the registered individual(s) to view the materials.

Note: An e-manual for this workshop is included in purchase.

4.5 out of 5

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Some of the Topics Included

  • Larger Context of Mental Health in Children and Youth
  • Controversies and Debates
  • Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
  • Oppositional Defiant Disorder
  • Conduct Disorder
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Depression and Bipolar Disorder
  • Eating Disorders
  • Considerations Related to Self-Injury and Suicide
  • Mental Illness and Addictions
  • Tips and Resources for Supporting

Target Audience

This is an introductory level workshop intended for school personnel, child care providers, social workers, social service and health care professionals, youth corrections officers, parents, and anyone working in a helping role with youth struggling with mental illness.

Terms & Conditions

View our cancellation policy and other information regarding your live virtual workshop or for your in-person workshop.

This is a live virtual event, please check your system requirements prior to registering.

Participants will receive the Zoom meeting login details and information about viewing the live virtual workshop by email 3-4 calendar days prior to the date of the event.
Please note, payment is required in order to receive the login details.

Trainer: Janelle Jackiw


Janelle holds a Master's Degrees in both Criminology and Educational Psychology, and she is a Certified Clinical Counsellor (CCC). Her background and practice is in the area of counselling, with specific interest in the area of mental health and wellness, stress management, suicide/self-injury, and trauma. Janelle believes that people create important change in their lives when they have meaningful connections to others and have a sense of passion and purpose for their life. In addition to training with CTRI, she carries a client caseload part-time, works for the Ministry of Justice, and is a sessional lecturer at the University of Regina. Janelle is an energetic presenter who enjoys delivering training workshops that are relevant and practical. Read blogs written by Janelle here.

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