Get the training before you need it.

De-escalating Potentially Violent Situations™ is a nonphysical, trauma-informed training that focuses on using empathy and assertive communication skills to calm an angry person before they become violent.

Join us for our Free De-escalating Potentially Violent Situations™ live webinar on February 15th!

Sign up for our Free Webinar

$120 billion is lost every year due to workplace violence

1 in 10 people experience workplace violence

Reduction in workplace violence incidences after de-escalation training

What You’ll Learn

With our training, you’ll join over 30,000 others in learning to recognize the warning signs of violence, the anger cycle, and how violence and anger interplay.

Gain insight into your communication style to defuse the situation and calm an angry, anxious, or hostile person.

Some of the Topics Covered

  • Understanding the anger cycle and escalation
  • Identifying your personal communication style
  • Assessing your workplace risk levels
  • Identifying the warning signs for potential violence
  • Applying the aggression-defusing process
  • Understanding when and how to disengage
  • Addressing enablers of violence
Want to learn more?

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is knowing how to de-escalate someone important?

Knowing how to calm an angry, anxious, or hostile person helps create safer workplaces and environments for everyone.

What kind of de-escalation skills will be useful to me?

We can help you recognize the warning signs of potential violence and understand the anger cycle, which will empower you in a variety of situations. You can also learn and practice assertive communication skills for defusing aggressive people.

Will the skills I learn be applicable to any situation?

While every circumstance is unique, the skills and knowledge gained from this topic can be applied to a wide range of scenarios. The main thing you’ll learn is how to take a less confrontational approach so you can gain control of the situation.

Is De-escalating Potentially Violent Situations™ the same as Nonviolent Crisis Intervention training?

No, De-escalating Potentially Violent Situations™ is not the same as NVCI. NVCI teaches you physical techniques to safely disarm an individual who has already become violent. Our De-escalating Potentially Violent Situations™ training teaches you how to de-escalate an angry person before they become violent using interpersonal communication techniques and regulation skills — we do not teach any physical holds or restraints.

Illustration of computer screen with CTRI logo on it with person standing in computer and speaking.

Try our training for free!

Reserve your spot in our upcoming FREE De-escalating Potentially Violent Situations™ webinar and experience CTRI’s trauma-informed training.

Register Now

Free De-escalation Resources

We offer a wide variety of free resources to help you prevent violence. Feel free to share these with anyone you can think of who might benefit.

Creating a world with less violence, together.

For More Information

Breanne Boyce

Training Coordinator
[email protected]
204-452-9199 ext. 101

Lori Thiessen

Private Training Coordinator
[email protected]
204-452-9199 ext. 122